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“Grapes & Galleries in France”

Offering exceptional bespoke visits unveiling the riches and secrets of Burgundy, led by a passionate connoisseur
tâche vin



François Ravery founded “Grapes & Galleries” as a non profit-making organisation in 2015.

His mission was to share his knowledge of Burgundy by answering the questions that arise as soon as you delve into the complex world of Burgundy wines:

How do I find my way around the different Climats?
What is better: Premier Cru or Villages?
Is organic wine really better than non-organic wine?
What about natural wines?

We offer an exceptional two-day itinerary designed by your guide, who will reveal the region’s most closely guarded secrets thanks to his knowledge of the area.

Our relaxed and friendly visits are designed for small groups so that everyone has the opportunity to speak with the guide and wine producers.

François Ravery's aim is clear from the name of his organisation : “Grapes & Galleries” combines oenology with cultural heritage.

Over the course of a series of visits to museums and castles, the secrets behind Burgundy wine will gradually reveal themselves. François will explain how the Dukes of Burgundy influenced and encouraged vine growing in the 15th century until wine became synonymous with power and wealth.

Thanks to dinner taken at one of the finest restaurants in the Côte d'Or region and wine tastings at various vineyards, you too will become a connoisseur of the wines of Burgundy.

Visits are available in French or English.
François Ravery can organise return transport for small groups of up to three people coming from the Paris region.


François Ravery spent the last few years as the Chief Financial Officer of an international group, a role that saw him visit over fifty countries.

On his travels, he took the opportunity to taste wines from all over the world, including South America, Canada, Australia, South Africa and Central Europe. However, the wines of Burgundy will always be his first love.

On retiring, François decided that he wanted to pursue a new career and he created “Grapes & Galleries", a project combining his passion for and knowledge of the region of Burgundy. A holder of the Wine and Spirit Education Trust Level 2 Award and the “wine taster’s certificate” from the École des Vins de Bourgogne, François willingly shares his knowledge of different styles of wine and the factors that influence their quality.

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Our visits

We would be delighted to help you plan your visit. Here is a sample itinerary:

Day 1  01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06

Day 2  01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05


Day 1

Meet in Dijon



Traditional Burgundian mâchon
( local charcuterie, cheese and wine )



Visit to the Hospices de Beaune



Tasting and buying
at a wine producer



Dinner at a Michelin-starred



Overnight stay and breakfast
at a charming 4* hotel



Day 2

Travel the Route des Grands Crus
between Dijon and Vosne Romanée



Visit to the Clos
de Vougeot castle



Guided tour of the Museum
of Fine Arts in Dijon



Lunch at a The Plate
Michelin restaurant



Return to Dijon

Explore the itinerary


Leaving from the west of Paris
(transport in a top-of-the-range saloon, maximum 3 people)
or meeting in Dijon or Beaune
(transport in a Mercedes Viano or equivalent, 4-6 people)

« Allow me to take you to taste and purchase an array of wonderful wines at affordable prices from the finest producers, whom I know personally and whose wines I regularly add to my cellar; to dine at the region's most renowned restaurants; and to discover the architectural and cultural riches of Burgundy. »

François Ravery,
Burgundy enthusiast
WSET Level 2 Award
Certificate of Knowledge, Ecole des Vins de Bourgogne

What our visitors


Dear Francois,

[...] Many thanks for a wonderful weekend which we both enjoyed very much.
We have lots of memories that we will never forget - and my eyes were certainly opened to the wonderful world of wine, food and culture.
Your in-depth knowledge of Burgundy was very impressive and it made our visit all the more special.

Paul Philand

Bonsoir François,

[...] Vielen Dank für das tolle Wochenende dass du für uns organisiert hast.

Torsten F.

[...] Ce week-end était topissime ! Un grand merci à François pour l'organisation.

Thierry L.

Dear Francois,

[...] I found the trip fun , educational and inspiring.
The weekend was throughly planned, varied and gave a insight to the passion for fine wines and equally fine food of the Region. It was fascinating and has opened my eyes as to how passionate the people of Burgundy are about fine wines and cuisine. A passion I would like to share again at some time in the future.
I would like to thank you personally for the enormous effort you made over the trip. You made very one feel very welcome and you were very happy to share a little of your knowledge with us all.

Sean O' Shea

Request a

Prices available on request, starting at €930 per person.
Maximum group size: 6 people

François Ravery


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“Grapes & Galleries in France”

Vous propose des séjours rares et personnalisés avec un amateur éclairé pour découvrir les richesses de la Bourgogne et ses secrets :
Découvrir nos séjours


En 2015 François Ravery crée son entreprise « Grapes & Galleries » sous forme associative.

Le but ? Pouvoir transmettre et partager ses connaissances sur la Bourgogne et répondre aux questions que vous vous posez certainement dès que vous avez abordé le monde compliqué des vins de Bourgogne :

Comment s'y retrouver dans les différents Climats ?
Un 1er Cru est-il meilleur qu'un Villages ?
Un vin bio est-il meilleur qu'un non-bio ?
Que penser des vins naturels ?

Un programme exceptionnel sur deux jours, concocté par les soins de votre guide, qui vous délivrera les moindres secrets de la région grâce à sa connaissance du secteur.

Les visites se veulent conviviales et en petit comité pour pouvoir échanger avec le guide et les vignerons.

Si l’on traduit le nom de l’association : « Raisins et musées » en français, on comprend que l’objectif de François Ravery est d’allier œnologie et patrimoine culturel.
Lors des visites des Musées et châteaux, l’origine du vin de Bourgogne n’aura plus de secret pour vous. Il vous expliquera comment les Ducs de Bourgogne au 15ème siècle ont influencé et encouragé la culture de la vigne, jusqu’à ce que le vin devienne un signe de puissance et de richesse.
Le dîner dans une des grandes tables de la Côte d'Or ainsi que les dégustations chez les vignerons vous permettront d’être incollables sur les vins de Bourgogne.

Les visites s’assurent en français et anglais.
Jusqu'à 3 personnes François Ravery se charge du transport aller et retour, si le point départ se situe en région parisienne.